Version 0.1
Installation of version 0.1 is fairly simple.
Note: Version 0.1 of Repository Manager only supports Subversion. It
has been tested with the following releases:
- Subversion 1.1.1
- Subversion 1.1.3
You can download the subversion client from:
It may also work with other versions but these have
not been tested. If you get Repository Manager working with another
version of Subversion
please let me know and I will update this web site to reflect the
supported versions.
The Repository Manager (RM) needs a client install of Subversion.
Repository Manager does not need any of the Server components and does
not need to be installed on the same machine as the Server. In fact the
whole point of Repository Manager is that you can manage one or more
Repositories from the comfort of you PC desktop.
Note: RM uses the Subversion javahl libraries to interact with
1. Install the Subversion Client as per normal.
2. If the Subversion Client doesn't come with the javahl libraries
download and install the javahl jar and library (.dll or .so etc) as
appropriate for you
3. Add the Subversion bin directory to you O/S path.
4. Move the libsvnjavahl-1.dll (or .so) into the bin directory of you
Subversion installation.
5. Install JRE 1.4.x (if you don't already have it)
6. Unzip the RM release files into a directory of you choosing.
7. Move the svnjavahl.jar file (from the Subversion client install)
into the same directory as you installed RM (not the lib subdirectory).
8. Create a shell or batch file (as appropriate to you O/S) with the
following command:
java -jar RepoMan.jar
Thats basically it.
Launch RM using the shell or batch file you created and click
Repository | Connect.
Select a Repository type of 'Subversion'
In the Workspace Name enter the URI of the Repository and module
The username and password are currently ignored!
RM predominantly uses 'right mouse' clicks for most actions so try
right clicking here and there.